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Hello and Welcome

I am a writer, therapeutic poetry coach and group facilitator. I work with groups and individuals using poetry, movement, music and the voice as tools for self-discovery and exploration.


My offerings are designed to free the flow of feelings in the body and allow access to areas of the self that have been shut down, shut off or neglected. 

To learn more about my upcoming events and offerings sign up for my free newsletter.

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My Story

Stephanie has a deep love for poetry that stems from her desire to understand her inner landscape. From a young age Stephanie found that confiding in a journal as if speaking to a best friend was a helpful tool in understanding herself. At age 11 she wrote her first poem - Little Bear - you can find it at the bottom of the homepage. 

As Stephanie entered her teenage years and navigated the transition from teen to adult she went through a traumatic experience at 16 that impacted the trajectory of her life. From unknown origins Stephanie was exposed to heavy metals that got into her bloodstream and caused a mental collapse. For severals months she was fluctuating between worlds and not fully aware of her actions, words or behaviors. It was a scary and liberating experience that resulted in the need to leave school early her freshman year and the devastating loss of her best friend. After this intense experience at the end of her Freshman year of Highschool, Stephanie began a 20 year battle with depressive and manic episodes. It wasn't until she found the work of Kim Rosen and the Poetry Depths Mystery School that Stephanie began to sense a way to break free from the debilitating cycles of deep depression. Poetry became a life line, a way back into the world. Other people's poems were like friends and companions while exploring the darkness. 

Now, Stephanie embodies over 40 poems by heart. They have been written on her bones and become dear friends. She loves to share the wisdom of the poems through her unique voice and life experiences. It is incredible how quickly a poem can break through the layers of protection and armorment we all walk through the world with. Stephanie uses her own life experience and the many tools and practices she has learned to share this gift of somatic (body-based) healing with others through guided Poetry Dive workshops and Individual Poetry Sessions. Please get in touch if you or someone you know might be interested in learning more and having a complementary 30-min discovery call. 


Stephanie helps people move through energetic blocks in the body in order to live from a more authentic and connected place. She uses somatic (body based) practices to help liberate the flow of feelings and facilitate healing and transformation. 


Stephanie studied with Kim Rosen, MFA & author of Saved by a Poem, in her Poetry Depths Mystery School for 5 years learning tools and techniques for facilitating one-on-one and group process work.


Stephanie’s work is informed by her own ongoing practices of learning poems by heart, writing, yoga, meditation and embodiment practices. She has also attended training in The Work of Byron KatieOpenFloor dance and The Pathwork.


Education and Trainings:


Most of my education and training has come off the beaten path with teachers and organizations that have developed their own body based practices outside of the academic realm of healing. 


5 years attending the Poetry Depths Mystery School (PDMS) with Kim Rosen

2 years assisting at the PDMS

11 years Leadership and Intimacy Training with Kim Rosen (ongoing)

200 hours Breathwork Facilitator Training with Kim Rosen

Several workshops practicing The Work of Byron Katie with facilitator Tom Compton (love is the power podcast)

30 hour Ground Floor dance training with OpenFloor International


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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